Distance Formula | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)

The distance formula is a formula that is used to find the distance between two points. These points can be in any dimension. For example, you might want to find the distance between two points on a line (1d), two points in a plane (2d), or two points in space (3d).


  • Distance in One Dimension
  • Distance in Two Dimensions
  • Identifying Figures by Joining Graph Points
  • Other Examples

Distance in One Dimension

Suppose \(A=x_1\) and \(B=x_2\) are two points lying on the real number line. Then the distance between \(A\) and \(B\) is

\[ d(A,B) = \lvert x_1 - x_2 \rvert. \]

In the plane, we can consider the \(x\)-axis as a one-dimensional number line, so we can compute the distance between any two points lying on the \(x\)-axis as the absolute value of the difference of their \(x\)-coordinates. Similarly, the distance between any two points lying on the \(y\)-axis is the absolute value of the difference of their \(y\)-coordinates.

Now, consider the \(xy\)-plane, and suppose \(P_1 = (x_1, y_1)\) and \(P_2 = (x_2, y_2)\) are two points in it . Then the distance between \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) is

\[ d(P_1, P_2) = \sqrt{(x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2}.\]

Since \(\lvert x_1 - x_2 \rvert\) is the distance between the \(x\)-coordinates of the two points and \(\lvert y_1 - y_2\rvert\) is the distance between the \(y\)-coordinates of the two points, the distance formula in the \(xy\)-plane can be thought of as the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle with vertices \(P_1=(x_1,y_1)\), \(P_2 = (x_2,y_2),\) and \(P = (x_2,y_1) \). Then the distance formula is simply a statement of the Pythagorean theorem.

In both 1D and 2D, the distance function satisfies the following properties:

  1. \(d(P,Q) \geq 0\) for all points \( P,Q\) with equality if and only if \(P = Q\)
  2. \(d(P, Q) = d(Q, P) \) for all points \(P,Q\)
  3. \( d(P,Q) \leq d(P, R) + d(R, Q) \) for all points \( P, Q, R\).

What is the distance between the points \((0,5)\) and \((0,13)\)?

Note that both of these points lie on the \(y\)-axis and therefore the distance between the points is the absolute value of the difference of the \(y\)-coordinates, which is \[ \lvert 5 - 13 \rvert = \lvert -8 \rvert =8 .\ _\square\]

To generalize the above problem, if two points \(P_1 = (x_1, y_1) \) and \(P_2 = (x_2, y_2) \) have the same \(x\)-coordinate, i.e. \(x_1=x_2\), then the distance between the two points is \( d(P_1, P_2) = |y_1-y_2|\) and the line segment \(\overline{P_1P_2} \) is a vertical line segment.

Similarly, if \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) have the same \(y\)-coordinate (\(y_1=y_2\)), then \(d(P_1, P_2) = |x_1-x_2|\) and the line segment \(\overline{P_1P_2} \) is a horizontal line segment.

Find the area of the rectangle in the \(xy\)-plane with vertices

\[ A = (6, -3), B=(6, 7), C=(2, 7), \text{ and } D=(2, -3).\]

Points \(A\) and \(B\) have the same \(x\)-coordinate, implying \(d(A,B) = \lvert 7 - (-3) \rvert = 10\). Points \(B\) and \(C\) have the same \(y\)-coordinate, implying \(d(B,C) = \lvert 6 - 2 \rvert = 4\). We check that points \(C\) and \(D\) have the same \(x\)-coordinate and \(D\) and \(A\) have the same \(y\)-coordinate, implying the points are indeed vertices of a rectangle.

The area of the rectangle is then\[ [ABCD]=AB \cdot BC = 4 \cdot 10 = 40.\ _\square \]

Distance in Two Dimensions

The distance between two points \(P= (x_1, y_1)\) and \(Q= (x_2, y_2)\) can be found using the following formula:

\[PQ = \sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2}.\ _\square\]

Construct a triangle \(\triangle PQR,\) where \(R\) has the coordinates \((x_2, y_1)\).

Then \(\triangle PQR\) is a right angled triangle, and we can apply the Pythagorean theorem to obtain

\[PQ^2 = PR^2 + QR^2.\]

Since \(PQ\) is to be found, and \(PR = |x_1 – x_2|\) and \(QR = |y_1 – y_2|,\) we have

\[\begin{align}PQ^2 &= (x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2\\PQ &= \sqrt{(x_1 - x_2)^2 + (y_1 - y_2)^2}. \ _\square\end{align}\]

From this proof we can derive tbe following corollary:

The distance of point \(P=(x,y)\) from the origin \(O=(0,0)\) is given by

\[OP = \sqrt{{(x-0)}^2 + {(y-0)}^2} = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}.\]

What is the distance between the two points \((1,7)\) and \((3, 2)?\)

The distance is \(\sqrt{(1-3)^2 + (7-2)^2}\)\(=\sqrt{4 + 25}\)\(=\sqrt{29}.\) \( _\square\)

Find the sum of all \(a\) such that the distance between the points \((3,4)\) and \((6, a)\) is \(5\).

Using the above formula we get

\[5 = \sqrt{(3-6)^2 + (4-a)^2}.\]

Squaring both sides and on simplifying, we get

\[\begin{align}25 &= 9 + (a-4)^2\\(a-4)^2 &= 16\\a-4 &= 4 ~\text{ or }~ a - 4 = -4\\a &= 8 ~\text{ or }~ a = 0.\end{align}\]

Therefore the sum of possible values of \(a\) is \(8 + 0 = 8. \ _\square\)

Find the distance between the points \(A=(2,3)\) and \(B=(5,7)\).

We have

\[\begin{align}AB & = \sqrt{{(x_2 - x_1)}^2 + {(y_2 - y_1)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{{(5-2)}^2 + {(7-3)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{3^2 + 4^2}\\& = \sqrt{9+16}\\& = \sqrt{25}\\& =5.\ _\square\end{align}\]

Find the distance of the point \(P=(7,1)\) from the origin.

We have

\[\begin{align}OP & = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\\& = \sqrt{7^2 + 1^2}\\& = \sqrt{49 + 1}\\& = \sqrt{50}\\& = 5\sqrt{2}.\ _\square\end{align}\]

Identifying Figures by Joining Graph Points

Sometimes we are given four points and asked to comment on the nature of the quadrilateral which is formed by joining them. For this, we have to recall the following:

A quadrilateral is a

  • rectangle, if its opposite sides are equal and diagonals are equal;
  • square, if all its sides are equal and diagonals are equal;
  • parallelogram, if its opposite sides are equal;
  • rhombus, if its sides are equal.

Show that the points \(A=(-3,0) , B=(1,-3) , C=(4,1)\) are the vertices of an isosceles right-angled triangle. Also find the area of the triangle.

Distance Formula | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (1)

We have

\[\begin{align}AB & = \sqrt{{(1-(-3))}^2 + {(-3-0)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{4^2 + {(-3)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{16 + 9}\\& = \sqrt{25} = 5\\\\BC & = \sqrt{{(4-1)}^2 + {(1-(-3)/)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{3^2 + {4}^2}\\& = \sqrt{9 + 16}\\& = \sqrt{25}= 5\\\\CA & = \sqrt{{(4-(-3))}^2 + {(1-0)}^2}\\& = \sqrt{7^2 + {1}^2}\\& = \sqrt{49 + 1}\\& = \sqrt{50} = 5\sqrt{2}.\end{align}\]

Since \(AB=BC,\) the triangle is isosceles.
Moreover, since \({AB}^2 + {BC}^2 = 5^2 + 5^2= 50 = {CA}^2,\) it is right-angled.

Now, the area of the triangle is\[\begin{align}\text{(Area of ABC)} & = \dfrac{1}{2} × AB × BC\\& = \dfrac{1}{2} × 5 ×5\\& = 12.5.\ _\square\end{align}\]

Show that the points \(A=(2,-2) , B=(8,4) , C=(5,7) , D=(-1,1)\) are the vertices of a rectangle. Also find the area of the rectangle.

Distance Formula | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2)

We have\[\begin{align}AB = \sqrt{{(8-2)}^2 + {(4+2)}^2}& = \sqrt{72} \\&= 6\sqrt{2}\\BC = \sqrt{{(5-8)}^2 + {(7-4)}^2}& = \sqrt{18} \\&= 3\sqrt{2}\\CD = \sqrt{{(-1-5)}^2 + {(1-7)}^2}& = \sqrt{72}\\& = 6\sqrt{2}\\DA = \sqrt{{(2+1)}^2 + {(-2-1)}^2}& = \sqrt{18}\\& = 3\sqrt{2},\end{align}\]which implies \(AB = CD\) and \(BC = DA,\) i.e. \(ABCD\) is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equal.

Now, since we have\[\begin{align}AC = \sqrt{{(5-2)}^2 + {(7+2)}^2} & = \sqrt{90}\\& = 3\sqrt{10}\\BD = \sqrt{{(-1-8)}^2 + {(1-4)}^2} & = \sqrt{90}\\& = 3\sqrt{10},\end{align}\]\(AC = BD,\) which implies \(ABCD\) is a quadrilateral whose diagonals are equal.

Hence, \(ABCD\) is a rectangle, and its area is

\[\begin{align}\text{(Area of ABCD)} & = AB × BC\\& = 6\sqrt{2} × 3\sqrt{2}\\& = 36.\ _\square\end{align}\]

Show that four points in a plane \(A=(-3,2), B=(-5,-5), C=(2,-3), D=(4,4)\) form a rhombus \(ABCD\) which is not a square. Find the area of the rhombus.

Distance Formula | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (3)

We have\[\begin{align}AB = \sqrt{{(-5-(-3))}^2 + {(-5-2)}^2} & = \sqrt{53}\\BC = \sqrt{{(2-(-5))}^2 + {(-3-(-5)}^2}& = \sqrt{53}\\CD = \sqrt{{(4-2)}^2 + {(4-(-3))}^2}& = \sqrt{53}\\DA = \sqrt{{(-3-4)}^2 + {(2-4)}^2}& = \sqrt{53},\end{align}\]which implies that \(AB = BC = CD = DA,\) i.e. \(ABCD\) is either a rhombus or a square.

Now, since we have\[\begin{align}AC = \sqrt{{(2-(-3))}^2 + {(-3-2)}^2} & = \sqrt{25 + 25}\\& = 5\sqrt{2}\\BD = \sqrt{{(4-(-5))}^2 + {(4-(-5))}^2}& = \sqrt{81 + 81}\\& = 9\sqrt{2}, \end{align}\]\(AC \neq BD,\) which implies that \(ABCD\) is a rhombus but not a square.

The area of rhombus \(ABCD\) is \[\begin{align}\text{(Area of rhombus ABCD)} & = \dfrac{1}{2} × AC × BD\\& = \dfrac{1}{2} × 5\sqrt{2} × 9\sqrt{2}\\& = 45.\ _\square\end{align}\]

Other Examples

Show by the distance formula that \(A=(-1,-1) ,B=(2,3) , C=(8,11)\) are collinear.

We have\[\begin{align}AB = \sqrt{{\big(2-(-1)\big)}^2 + {\big(3-(-1)\big)}^2} = \sqrt{9+16}& =5 \\BC = \sqrt{{(8-2)}^2 + {(11-3)}^2} = \sqrt{36+64}& = 10 \\AC = \sqrt{{\big(8-(-1)\big)}^2 + {\big(11-(-1)\big)}^2} = \sqrt{81+144}& = 15,\end{align}\]so \(AB + BC = AC,\) which implies that the given points are collinear. \(_\square\)

Find a point on the \(y\)-axis which is equidistant from the points \(A=(-3,4)\) and \(B=(7,6)\).

Since the point lies on the \(y\)-axis, the \(x\)-coordinate is \(0\). Let \(P=(0,y)\) be the required point on the \(y\)-axis which is equidistant from the given points. Then,

\[\begin{align}PA & = PB\\{PA}^2 & = {PB}^2\\{(-3-0)}^2 + {(4-y)}^2 & = {(7-0)}^2 + {(6-y)}^2\\{(-3)}^2 + {(4-y)}^2 & = 7^2 + {(6-y)}^2\\9 + 16 + y^2 - 8y & = 49 + 36 + y^2 - 12y\\4y & = 60\\y & = \dfrac{60}{4}\\y & = 15.\end{align}\]

Hence, the required point is \((0,15).\) \(_\square\)

Distance Formula | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)


What is the distance formula and answer? ›

Learn how to find the distance between two points by using the distance formula, which is an application of the Pythagorean theorem. We can rewrite the Pythagorean theorem as d=√((x_2-x_1)²+(y_2-y_1)²) to find the distance between any two points. Created by Sal Khan and CK-12 Foundation.

What is the formula for distance in science? ›

distance = speed × time. time = distance ÷ speed.

How do you remember the distance formula? ›

There's an easy way to remember all three formulas. Just memorize the fraction “D/RT,” which we call the “DiRT” shortcut. As you may have guessed, D = Distance, R = Rate, and T = Time.

What is the distance formula in math standard? ›

Distance between two points is the length of the line segment that connects the two points in a plane. The formula to find the distance between the two points is usually given by d=√((x2 – x1)² + (y2 – y1)²). This formula is used to find the distance between any two points on a coordinate plane or x-y plane.

What are the three formulas of distance? ›

Most distance problems can be solved with the equations d = savg × t where d is distance, savg is average speed, and t is time, or using d = √((x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2), where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the x and y coordinates of two points.

How to solve distance problems? ›

You calculate distance traveled by using the formula d=rt. You will need to know the rate at which you are traveling and the total time you traveled. You can then multiply these two numbers together to determine the distance traveled.

What is distance in science answer? ›

What is distance in science? Distance measures the length of the path that an object takes without regard for the starting or ending place, or the direction of its travel.

What is the formula for calculating total distance? ›

To calculate distance travelled in physics, you need to know the speed of an object and the amount of time it has been in motion. You can use the formula distance = speed x time to calculate the distance travelled. →What is speed in physics? Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving.

What is the distance formula trick? ›

If a person travels from point A to point B at a speed of S1 kilometers per hour (kmph) and returns back from point B to point A at a speed of S2 kmph, the total time taken for the round trip will be T hours. Distance between points A and B = T (S1S2/(S1+S2)).

What is the famous distance formula? ›

In two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space, the distance formulas for points in rectangular coordinates are based on the Pythagorean theorem. The distance between the points (a,b) and (c,d) is given by Square root of√(a − c)2 + (b − d)2.

What formula do you use for distance? ›

The formula is d = √((x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2), where: d is the distance between the two points and. (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates.

What is the distance formula for math problems? ›

The distance formula (also known as the Euclidean distance formula) is an application of the Pythagorean theorem a2+b2=c2 a 2 + b 2 = c 2 a^2+b^2=c^2 a2+b2=c2 in coordinate geometry. It will calculate the distance between two cartesian coordinates on a two-dimensional plane, or coordinate plane.

What is the distance formula used for in math? ›

The distance formula, in coordinate geometry or Euclidean geometry, is used to find the distance between the two points in an XY plane. The distance of a point from the y-axis is called its x-coordinate, or abscissa.

What is the formula for following distance? ›

You arrive at this number by calculating one second for each 10 feet of vehicle length plus an additional second for safety, a total of seven seconds. For a typical car, we can replace calculations with a good rule of thumb: allow at least 3 seconds between you and the car in front of you.

What is distance with answer? ›

Distance is the total movement of an object without any regard to direction. We can define distance as to how much ground an object has covered despite its starting or ending point.

How to calculate total distance? ›

To calculate distance travelled in physics, you need to know the speed of an object and the amount of time it has been in motion. You can use the formula distance = speed x time to calculate the distance travelled.

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