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‎11-21-201906:43 AM


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Product: 5DT80EC X360


we have at the moment a lot of Laptops which can be not found on Partsurfer.

Why? Its hard to order Spareparts without a lot of Information from HP Partsurfer

Examples: X360 - Product HP :5DT80EC

Any hints?



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‎11-21-201907:22 AM


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The only thing I can think of is the PC is too new, and the details haven't been entered in the site yet because of this notice...


So it is working just fine as it gave the basic info for the product number you posted.

360 1030 G3.

If you need a part for it you can also check chapter 3 of the service manual for yourHP EliteBook x360 1030 G3 Notebook PC.

That will have the list of orderable parts with their HP part numbers.

View solution in original post

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‎11-21-201907:22 AM


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The only thing I can think of is the PC is too new, and the details haven't been entered in the site yet because of this notice...


So it is working just fine as it gave the basic info for the product number you posted.

360 1030 G3.

If you need a part for it you can also check chapter 3 of the service manual for yourHP EliteBook x360 1030 G3 Notebook PC.

That will have the list of orderable parts with their HP part numbers.

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‎11-22-201905:58 AM


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Hi Paul,

thanks a lot that is very helpful for us! As long the other isnt working we are using this.

But i as well reported it now to Parsurfer as an issue. Because this model is out since January to us

Best Regards


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‎11-22-201906:57 AM


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You're very welcome,Stefanie.

Since this is a peer to peer forum, hopefully you have contacted HP directly and reported the problem.

Otherwise, you can contact the HP executive team at the link below and report that the Partsurfer system is not working for some models.

It is definitely working for most models, as I just randomly selected a recent HP business notebook, and here is a complete parts breakdown...

Have a great weekend,


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      What to do if an HP charger is not working? ›

      Look for physical damage on the AC adapter

      Check the AC adapter label to ensure it is labeled with the HP logo. Check the AC adapter and cords for cracks, melted plastic, burn marks, or other signs of overheating. Make sure the DC adapter cord connector tip is not bent, or broken.

      Why is my Omnicharge not working? ›

      The charger won't power on / Battery with an X icon / Won't stay on for over a few seconds. These symptoms typically mean you have fully depleted cells in your battery. If the cells are over-depleted due to irregular usage, you can try reviving them by plugging the unit into the Power Station and charging for 24 hours.

      How to find HP replacement parts? ›

      You can order HP certified replacement parts for your notebook computer by using the HP PartSurfer. HP PartSurfer has a complete list of parts and can help you find the part you need. Go to the HP PartSurfer web page. Select your country or region from the drop-down menu.

      How to check HPE part number? ›

      The best and easiest way to identify the exact replacement part # you need to replace is to use the label affixed to the faulty hardware component itself. Look for the Replace with Spare #: XXXXXX-XXX on the label and enter this sparepart number in the Buy Parts search field.

      What is the problem if the charger is not working? ›

      There are several reasons why your phone may not charge. The cable, charger, socket or adapter may be faulty. Dirt and debris may have accumulated in the charging port. There may be an app installed that is interrupting the charging process.

      How do I get my charger to work again? ›

      If your charger isn't working properly, try these fixes.
      1. Check the parts of the adapter. ...
      2. Try a different outlet. ...
      3. Examine the Charger for any damage. ...
      4. Clean the charging port. ...
      5. Check that the cables are connected properly. ...
      6. Examine the fuses. ...
      7. Change the cable and power adapter.

      Why did my power adapter stop working? ›

      AC adapter issues can occur due to a faulty AC adapter, faulty power cable, damage to the power or AC adapter cable, faulty DC-in connector on the laptop, and so on.

      How to reset Omnicharge? ›

      Step one: Fully discharge the Omnicharge until it shuts itself off (make sure the battery is fully depleted - don't disconnect your device even if it says 0% on the screen). Press the Power Button once and you can see the 'Empty Battery' icon on the screen. And that's it! Your Omnicharge's battery is calibrated.

      How do I know if my power bank is broken? ›

      Furthermore, inspect the power bank itself for any signs of physical damage. Look for cracks, dents, or any other abnormalities that may indicate a problem with the internal components. If you notice any such issues, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or seek professional assistance.

      Does HP provide replacement? ›

      Damaged products or Deficient on Arrival: Free replacement within 14 days. Wrong shipment by HP Store: Free replacement within 14 days.

      What is the phone number for HP parts support? ›

      Call 800-565-9917.

      How to do HP diagnostics? ›

      Hold the power button for at least five seconds to turn off the computer. Turn on the computer and immediately press esc repeatedly, about once every second. When the menu is displayed, press the f2 key. On the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) main menu, click System Tests, and then click Extensive Test.

      How to get HP part number? ›

      The most common location to find your product information is on its label. For most HP products the product label is on its bottom, its side, its top, or its back. On some products, it might be inside a battery compartment or behind an access panel.

      Is HP part of HPE? ›

      As a stalwart in the industry, its roots trace back to 1939 when it was first established as Hewlett-Packard. After more than 70 years of leading innovation, HPE emerged in 2015 as a separate entity, concentrating exclusively on enterprise solutions, while HP Inc. continued to handle consumer products.

      How old is my HP server? ›

      Look up the serial number, not the product number. You should be able to tell the manufacture date from that. The 4th, 5th and 6th digit should be numbers and respectively they stand for Year, Week Week. So for instance XXX732XXXX stands for 2017, week 32.

      Why is my HP laptop plugged in but not charging? ›

      There are many reasons why a battery may fail to charge, including a faulty battery, inadequate power source, or damaged cord. Some of the reasons can be fixed quickly as long you know what to do.

      How to fix your laptop charger if it's not working? ›

      1. Make sure you're really plugged in.
      2. Connect the correct USB-C port.
      3. Use the right power adapter.
      4. Try booting without the battery.
      5. Let the laptop and adapter cool down.
      6. Update your drivers.
      7. Check the power cable for breaks.
      Aug 31, 2022

      How can I charge my HP without a charger? ›

      9 Ways to Charge Your Laptop Without a Charger
      1. Charge Your Laptop Using USB-C. ...
      2. Use a Power Bank. ...
      3. Charge Your Laptop in Your Car. ...
      4. Use a Universal Power Adapter. ...
      5. Charge Your Laptop Using a Smartphone. ...
      6. Use an External Laptop Battery Charger. ...
      7. Charge Your Laptop Using a Power Tool Battery. ...
      8. Use a Portable Solar Charger.
      Aug 12, 2024

      Why is my power charger not charging? ›

      It could be due to a faulty charging cable, a loose connection, or an issue with the power bank's circuitry. Sometimes, the problem may lie with the device you are trying to charge rather than the power bank itself. It's important to troubleshoot and identify the root cause of the issue to ensure efficient charging.

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      Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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      Views: 6168

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      Author information

      Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

      Birthday: 1996-05-10

      Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

      Phone: +96313309894162

      Job: Legacy Sales Designer

      Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

      Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.