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Fish Activity for Río Paraná de las Palmas
Based on fish activity forecast, today is excellent time to go fishing in Argentina, Río Paraná de las Palmas with a fish activity scores of 86.
Best times to go fishing are the following:
From 00:23 to 02:53
From 12:51 to 15:21
Second best times to go fishing are the following:
From 07:11 to 08:41
From 19:31 to 21:01
Fish activity tipThe fish activity algorithm is calculated based on solunar theory, tides and other factors. Tides create water movement that triggers feeding behavior, while solunar periods pinpoint optimal feeding times. Additionally, falling barometric pressure, signaling approaching weather changes, increases fish activity. Our fish activity algorithm combines these factors, assisting anglers in making informed decisions for more productive fishing trips.
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Tides for Río Paraná de las Palmas
Current tide height is 0.13 m and the water level is falling. Next low tide will be in 5 h.
First low tide is at 03:00 with height of -0.20 m, and the second low tide is at 15:23 with height of -0.17 m. First high tide is at 09:03 with height of 0.18 m, and the second high tide is at 21:19 with height of 0.19 m.
Tide tipTides are caused by the moon's pull and Earth's rotation, and they impact your fishing conditions. Pay attention to specific moon phases and tidal patterns, especially near inlets and channels. These factors affect bait movement and water clarity. In short, understanding tides is crucial for optimizing your fishing experience.
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Waves for Río Paraná de las Palmas
The current sea temperature near Río Paraná de las Palmas is 13°. The sea current is 0.0 m/s in the direction 291° WNW. Waves are currently 0.1 m in height and occur every 2 seconds in the direction of 123° ESE. Swell waves are currently 0.1 m in height and occur every 2 seconds and are traveling in the direction of 118° ESE. Wind waves are currently 0.0 m in height and occur every 1 seconds and are traveling in the direction of 187° S.
Waves tipThere are two main types: swell waves, generated by distant storms, and wind waves, caused by local winds. You can check real-time wave data on Fishing Points for your fishing area. Smaller swells and lighter winds often lead to calmer waters, ideal for fishing. Stay informed about wave conditions to optimize your fishing experience.
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Weather for Río Paraná de las Palmas
The weather in Río Paraná de las Palmas is Cloudy with a temperature of 14°. The lowest temperature today is 9°, while the highest is 18°. The air pressure is Rising and currently stands at 1022 hPa. The air humidity is 59%, while the UV Index is rated as low (2). There is a light breeze with a wind speed of 1.2 m/s with gusts of 2.6 m/s. The wind direction is 152° SSE.
Weather tipFishing weather conditions, including wind, humidity and air pressure, have a substantial impact on angling success. Knowing wind conditions helps you choose the right spot and techniques. Lower humidity often means more active fish, while high humidity can make them less responsive. Falling pressure stimulates feeding, while rising pressure may lead to reduced activity.
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Solunar for Río Paraná de las Palmas
The moon phase in Río Paraná de las Palmas is waxing crescent. The illumination level is at 2.2% and it has been 1.4 days since the last new moon. The current distance to the moon is 405.620 km. Today the moon rises at 07:56 and sets at 20:16 local time. The sunrise in Río Paraná de las Palmas today is at 07:09, while the sun sets at 18:39 local time. The dawn starts at 06:44, while dusk finishes at 19:04. The zenith, which is the highest point of the sun in Río Paraná de las Palmas today, is at 12:54 local time.
Solunar tipDuring "major" feeding times, when the moon is directly overhead or underfoot, fish are more active due to heightened gravitational forces, leading to increased feeding activity. "Minor" feeding times, occurring when the moon is at a 90-degree angle to the sun, also result in improved fish activity.
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Waterway: Río Paraná de las Palmas
-34° 19.401600′, -58° 28.477800′
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